Our elsa team

Daniela Thöny
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Andrea Rigert
Head of Accounting & Personnel Administration
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Julia Bucher
Accounting & Customer Services
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Thierry Tinner
Administration & Customer Services
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Our customer advisors

Urs Bachmann
Sales Manager
Responsible Cantons of Aargau, Zug and parts of Zurich (city)

Reinhard Enderli
Responsible East part of Switzerland, parts of Zurich and Lichtenstein

Daniele Thöny
Responsible Central part of Switzerland and Canton Ticino

Patrik Patelli
Responsible Canton of Bern (German speaking part)

Esther Mathis
Responsible Valais (German speaking part)

Susanne Dietschi
Responsible Cantons Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land & Solothurn

Philippe Ehrensperger
Responsible French part of Switzerland

Daniela Thöny
Responsible Canton Graubünden

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